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Gen's Shelves

Occasional rambles about books I felt strongly enough to review, when I had free time enough to do it.

Currently reading

The Isle of Glass
Judith Tarr
The Broken Crown
Michelle West, Michelle Sagara
Deep Atlantic: Life, Death and Exploration in the Abyss
Richard Ellis
L'élégance du hérisson
Muriel Barbery
Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England
Keith Thomas
A History of Ancient Egypt: From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid
John Romer
Tiger, Tiger
Lynne Reid Banks
Julie E. Czerneda
Tomorrow's Magic
Pamela F. Service
Marie Brennan

Loved it!

Artificial Condition - Martha Wells

I borrowed a kind friend's ARC, so no spoilers here, but I loved it!  All the charm of the first Murderbot book, with some new revelations and plenty more details about the world.  I loved it just as much as the first.  Definitely pick this series up if you're interested in grumpy AIs who really want to just be left alone to marathon tv (and definitely never ever want to talk about feelings) but maybe kind of secretly like some humans a little anyway.